If you would like to work with MKECF to undertake one of UCL’s programmes for ECF, there are some simple steps you should take to apply for this programme. This process is the same for all of the national providers.
Discuss your application with your Headteacher, senior leader or line manager. You will then need the following information to register and complete your application:
Your Teachers Reference number (TRN) and National Insurance number.Your school’s URNThe names of and contact details for your headteacher and line manager.
Register on the DfE Online Portal
Step 1: Register on the DfE online portal
Choose UCL Institute of Education as the Lead Provider.
Step 2: DfE eligibility checks
The DfE platform will check your TRN and, if appropriate, national insurance number. This is where eligibility for scholarship funding is checked. The DfE will then pass on details to UCL who will contact you directly asking you to complete the application process via a link to the application form.
Step 3: Confirmation of successful application by UCL Institute of Education
UCL Institute of Education will notify you if you are successful and transfer your details to Milton Keynes NPQ Partners as the Delivery Partner.
Step 4: Confirmation of programme details by Milton Keynes NPQ Partners
Milton Keynes NPQ Partners will then contact you with dates for the programme and information about how to prepare.
For courses due to start in Autumn 2022, further information on courses will be announced in the summer term. As this is a completely different application process than previously, please do not hesitate to contact us at (email address)